Welcome to this weeks AudioTrek episode... Amelia Island Beach Waves, Sunrise, Florida.
Sunrise Beach Waves
Amelia Island, FL
Amelia Island. Just South of the Georgia border and a beautiful beach island to escape too. Lots of beach access points, rentals, restaurants, and history. I really enjoyed myself exploring the island.
Here I'm at the beach at 6:15 am and just hanging out with a few adventurous souls who come to the beach to experience sunrise. The waves were that "FLAP" style with just a little rolling up on the shore. The birds were out, just not too many this morning.
What I've noticed in editing some of these audio files to remove the various people making noises, is how relaxing the waves are, it's just a tad tough staying focused and awake. Oh well, I guess that's the point?
Location: 30.624023, -81.438357
AudioTrek.io ... Focus. Relax. Explore. Meditate. Sleep.